Frequently Asked Questions About Tang Soo Do

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions and do not see them listed here e-mail them to us.

1. Is Tang Soo Do A Sport Or A Martial Art?

This is not a sport. . . It is a classical Martial Art with a purpose of developing every aspect of the self, in order to create mature personality who totally integrates his/her intellect, body, emotions, and spirit. Tang Soo Do is not a game to be played solely for the sake of winning, but rather a physical and intelligent activity designed to foster physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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2. Is It Karate?

Tang Soo Do is a Traditional Korean Martial art whereas Karate has Japanese origins. Tang Soo Do should therefore not be referred to as "Karate" although some of the traits are similar.

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3. Why Should I Learn Tang Soo Do?

Tang Soo Do will develop and teach you to have a feeling of security through physical fitness, poise, and grace. Most importantly, Tang Soo Do will provide peace of mind, a sense of self discipline, and self-respect. TANG SOO DO MOO DUK KWAN is a brotherhood and school of stopping inner and outer conflict and developing virtue according to the way of the worth hand.

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4. Who Can Learn Tang Soo Do?

Any man, women, or child can learn Tang Soo Do. No one is too old to start. Although upon beginning the classes the instructors should be made aware of any injuries or physical limitations.

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5. How long until I get my black belt?

It all depends on the individual student and how dedicated he/she trains. You also have to take into account vacations, illnesses, family and work responsibilities. The average person will take about least four years to earn their black belt.

The practitioner will get out of Tang Soo Do what he/she puts into it. 

6. Will This Program Make My Child Overly Aggressive?

On the Contrary...Children are instructed to only use what they are taught in problematic situations and not just as an expression of hostility or anger. They are taught to channel their aggressive energy into assertiveness to increase self discipline, esteem and build character. Our program also helps the shy child to develop self confidence and become more assertive.

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7. Will My Classes Be Safe?

All classes taught at Josefik's Korean Tang Soo Do are strictly monitored to ensure complete safety.

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8. I'm Not Particularly Athletic. Can I Learn Tang Soo Do Effectively?


The training you receive learning will develop your athletic abilities. However, since no two people are alike, each student is patiently encouraged to learn at his or her own pace. Each student is inspired to achieve their own potential. In addition, there is no minimum physical fitness requirement. All are welcome to come and join our classes.

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9. If Tang Soo Do Is An Effective Fighting Style, How Can It Be Non-Violent In Nature?

True non-violence is based on a sense of inner strength and self-confidence. Tang Soo Do techniques are defensive, and aggressive behavior among students is not tolerated. Although we will defend ourselves when given no choice, the self-confidence developed by learning Tang Soo Do promotes the discipline and awareness to avoid violent confrontations. 

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10. Will martial arts give me self confidence and inner peace?

Nothing can give you confidence and tranquility, but martial arts is a very good approach toward achieving these goals for yourself. The spiritual benefits of martial arts require effort, patience, and an open mind, but they can be tremendously rewarding.

11. What Do I look for in an Instructor/School?

12. Will I be expected to take part in any kind of religious ceremonies in class?

The answer to this question depends on your definition of "religious" but basically the answer is no. Some people think that the tradition of bowing to the teacher at the beginning and end of class is religious and don't care for it. Bowing teaches us humility and respect. You would be hard pressed to find any martial arts school that does not practice this.

Tang Soo Do has exercises to develop awareness of the individual's life energy (called "ki") and though this may seem religious to some, practitioners consider it an exercise like any other performed in the training center- there is no connection to any sort of deity or supernatural beings.

Ki Gong

Why Train in Ki Gong (Qi-Gong)?




E-mail Master Josefik with questions

Email - Instructor

sometimes attributed to our stressful life conditions and the environment in which we live. In the Western world, we are subject ourselves to chemical medicines and the whim of doctors and physical therapists. We are at their mercy, awaiting their knowledge and wisdom for our particular cases.

Ki training can be a positive attitude enhancer to aid us in the control of our own health by preventative exercise. through this training, we can help prevent the aging of our cerebral cortex which can result in better mental and physical health. Through Ki training, not only can we escape from the daily aggravations which plague our mental health, but we can restore our living energy and become one unit with the cosmos as we absorb the positive energy around us.

2) Reinforce our daily energy needs.

The Ki practitioner believes that all ailments are caused by the imbalance of Ki in the body. The lack of positive Ki weakens our self-healing immune system. Ki practitioners believe that any disease can be removed by allowing the Ki route to flow freely. Ki is the driving force behind the circulation of all blood and other life giving forces in the body.

3) Exercise for our body and mind

Today's lifestyle relies heavily on computerized systems which results in a lack of physical activity. Many careers also utilize heavily automated systems which do not need "brain power" to function. These daily activities necessary for employment can cause us to have both weak bodies and dull minds. Ki training, like Tang Soo Do, enhances the whole person concept by training the mind so the body becomes whole.

4) Developing our latent faculties

All individuals have different capabilities which is determined by many factors - environment, IQ, background, etc. There are millions of cells available to us in our brain, but the human being uses a very small percentage of these in our daily life. Ki training helps us to develop and utilize these unused brain cells.

Information -

Contact [email protected] if you are looking for something that you don't see listed.

Copyright © 1999 Josefik's Korean Tang Soo Do. All rights reserved.

This site was created by Country Systems and is maintained by Charles Mitchell

The content contained within this page is the property of the World Tang Soo Do Association and Josefiks' Korean Tang Soo Do, Inc. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters and Josefiks' Korean Tang Soo Do, Inc.

World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters

2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215

Phone:(336) 223-0056 or (215) 468-2121

fax: (215) 336-2121