Providing Tang Soo Do Training for Children

Children's Training

Martial arts training early in life can help a child into a develop into a mature adult. Starting a child in the martial arts helps them gain confidence, strength, learn discipline, they can improve both mental and physical capabilities and develop determination early in life. These assets are easily transferred to both the classroom and home environments. With active parental involvement, our instructors are able to teach children much more than just kicking and punching. It is important to us that the students we teach have a positive attitude both inside and outside the studios (dojangs). The children, as well as the adults, are taught that fighting is not the answer, they are instructed to defend themselves only if the situation cannot be avoided, the first response to a confrontation is to turn and leave. Confrontation should only occur when you have no other choice but to defend yourself.

At both the beginning and end of class the class instructor or senior member calls: "Five Tang Soo Do Codes." The entire class then recites the five codes together loudly and clearly:

1. Loyalty to country

2. Obedience to parents and elders

3. Honor friendship

4. No retreat in battle - this does not mean always fight, but to finish what you start. Defined: A battle could be life, it could be achieving your black belt, finishing school or even cleaning your room.

5. In fighting choose with sense and honor - this means to pick your battles wisely, not to start a fight and don't fight when you do not have to.

School attendance and performance are monitored by the instructors. You cannot just succeed in one area of life, you must succeed in all areas. This does not mean all the students are required be on the honor roll to attend class but they must apply themselves to all areas of their lives and take responsibility for themselves. This means doing homework, helping with chores around the home and respecting your parents by doing what they ask and not yelling back at them.

By learning our curriculum, students increase flexibility, improve hand-to-eye coordination, and gain strength in their upper and lower body. While practicing karate, students become more aware of their surroundings, lengthen their attention span, gain focus on tasks assigned, and have fun at the same time! That is the beauty of martial arts training. We keep it fun, yet challenging, so your child keeps coming back for more. It is our job to motivate, discipline, and provide positive reinforcement to our students. Our curriculum consists of nine levels prior to black belt. As a student progresses through our program the goals they are to achieve become more and more demanding. This system enables the student to set and achieve a clearly defined goal.

The children in our classes take exceptional pride in achieving their goals and earning their belts/ranks. They enjoy the feeling of hard work and accomplishments, overcoming obstacles and the addition of family to the classes adds to these feelings of pride. Come in and try a class (the first class is free) or just observe. Talk to the other students and their parents, discuss your questions with the Instructors and see for yourself the benefits that Tang Soo Do training can do for your child and yourself.


The Purpose of Tang Soo Do Training

1. SELF-DEFENSE - We protect our lives and possessions from injustice and danger.

2. HEALTH - We promote our physical and spiritual health and enjoy strong bodies and sound minds through rigorous training.

3. BETTER PERSON - We strive to be of better character through endurance and hard work.

WTDSA welcomes all members of your family. There is no limit to the number of family members eligible to join, providing they are above six years of age. If more than one person in your family decides to join WTDSA we offer special rates for second and third family members.


Tiny Tigers Program

The Tiny Tigers Martial Arts Program introduces kids ages 4-6 to the positive influences of the martial arts by stressing discipline, education and citizenship.

Message from the Instructor,

Master Gary S. Josefik

One of the best gifts you can provide for your children is the opportunity to posses these skills necessary to lead a successful life. What are these skills? Patience, concentration, humility, self-discipline, self control, self confidence, respect, and strong healthy body with good coordination. our Tiny Tigers program takes a unique approach to teaching gross motor skills, cooperation, focus, discipline, as well as conflict avoidance and saying "NO" to unhealthy peer pressures. This program is a well rounded learning and improvement activity. The children learning Tang Soo Do, begin with drill techniques, and games, that develop the basic skills that are the foundation of the martial arts. These skills build and improve coordination, focus and balance. All children are always active as they progress, instead of "just warming the bench" like other athletic activities.

Is your child picked on by others? School studies on a decline? Need a fresh attitude? Lack of self-confidence? If you see any of these deteriorating behaviors in your child, we can help! No other institution can give your child a better program for personal development, growth and achievement. We are professionals in this field.

After a few months of training, each child will show dramatic changes, such as lower anxiety levels, an increase in responsibility, better focus, demonstration of respect, and a higher self-esteem. Most of all, they will begin to show improvement on their school studies. Training at our studios is a priceless gift! You are starting your child off properly on the road to a happy and successful life.

We look forward to working with each child and their families as they begin their magical journey on the road to Tang Soo Do, Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do, Inc. is a family member school, emphasizing family values. We believe that each member of a student's family is a part of our students strong success team and that "together each will achieve more." Master Gary S. Josefik


E-mail [email protected]

Class Times

Altoona Studio, 1301 E. Bell Ave.

Thursday 5:30 - 6:30 PM.

Tyrone Studio (above Gardeners), Tyrone

Tuesdays at 5:30 PM.

Center Hill Grange, Morrisdale

Mondays at 5:30 PM.

Mat Plaza, Route 22, Huntingdon

Wednesdays at 5:30 PM.

Click Here For Studio Locations


Contact [email protected] if you are looking for something that you don't see listed.

Copyright © 1999 Josefik's Korean Tang Soo Do. All rights reserved.

This site was created by Country Systems and is maintained by Charles Mitchell

The content contained within this page is the property of the World Tang Soo Do Association and Josefiks' Korean Tang Soo Do, Inc. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters and Josefiks' Korean Tang Soo Do, Inc.

World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters

2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215

Phone:(336) 223-0056 or (215) 468-2121

fax: (215) 336-2121